Hobbies and Sports part 2 ////////////////////////// Equestrian Web Pages http://crsc1.math.ncsu.edu/~becker/equestrian.html Links to various equestrian pages and sites on the 'net including info devoted to dressage and dressage related links. Thin but useful site. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Horses Monthly http://www.connix.com:80/thebee/hweb/horses.htm Excerpts from the hard-copy monthly publication plus feature articles and more links to horse and equestrian info than I could possibly list here. If you need a place to start for equestrian info - saddle up and ride here! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FINS Gopher site (Fish Information Service) Gopher to: www.actwin.com then select /Fish Information Service (FINS) gopher://www.actwin.com/ All sorts of aquarium information is abundant here. From fresh to brackish to salt water tanks and the plants and fish and other species related to aquarium culture. Other info about filters, water quality, and lots more. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aquanaut http://www.terra.net/aquanaut/ A huge source of information awaits the diver that swims over to this site. This web page includes various newsgroup postings and FAQs, links to *tons* of related scuba and diving 'net resources and more links to diving groups and diving societies. One of the best sources for underwater diving on the web and certainly will be of use to both amateur and experienced diver. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seattle Mariners Home Page http://www.mariners.org/ Apparently this is the first pro baseball team to have a page up on the web and it's a very good site that has info, stats and pictures. Not only for Mariners fans - this site format should be studied by any other team that is going to have a presence on the web. The fans are gonna' love this page. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Collector's Network ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/co/collector/collect.html Info on all sorts of collectibles. If it can be collected or has some sort of collectible value (financial or otherwise) - it's here! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Autograph Collector's Home Page http://cscmosaic.albany.edu/~ss4569/autograph.html All sorts of autograph info and autograph related info like addresses and how to contact famous folks (large listing of movie star addresses here). There's even a mini-dictionary that explains shorthand abbreviations used by autograph collectors and autograph hounds. There is also an electronic copy of the John Hancock newsletter and much more. This is (probably) the only resource of its kind on the web for autograph info-seekers. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wave-Length Paddling Magazine http://www.intelenet.com/clubs/ckf/wavelength The sport of sea-kayaking is the topic of this web bi-monthly publication. Also includes brief but informative opines on environmental issues and other environmentally related topics. Perhaps future issues will remain more focused - but it is a fairly good read. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DansWORLD http://web.cps.msu.edu/~dunhamda/dw/dansworld.html A web page devoted to skate-boarding. What it lacks in layout it makes up for in spirit. Not a great site - but could get better - besides - the authors are probably too busy skateboarding then preoccupied with writing web pages. Kinda like they threw up the page and then went and played. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kite Flier's Site http://twoshakes.kfs.org/kites/ High tech and high end kite info are un abundance here. No - you won't find info on putting a rag tail on a home-made kite at this site but you will find lots of info for Kite Flying pros and the American Kite Assoc. There's info on kite flying aerial manuevers, compulsory aerial figures and lots more. Of course the thing to do (if you are a beginner) is to leave this site via the many links offered to other kite flying and kite related pages. On these other linked sites you will find kite pages of all kinds geared to the beginning level and beyond. This site is a good place to start your kite flying info search even though you may not end up here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mark Rosenstein's Sailing Page http://community.bellcore.com/mbr/sailing-page.html This web site holds the key to lots of info on sailing. It is a virtual cargo ship of links that will have you off to ports unknown and every link takes you to other links and so on... This has to be one of the best launch points for all sorts of sailing info and sailing related resources available on the net. Click away and navigate the wild web seas in search of sailing treasure! Ah... I can almost smell the ocean breezes... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Water Skier's WWW Page http://www.primenet.com:80/~jodell/ A water-skiing page that is geared to the professional and competetive skier. Experienced water-skiers will revel in the pages but beginners will most likely be left high and dry. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Model Railroading page http://www.atlasrr.com/atlasrr All aboard! Choo Choo! O gauge, N gauge, HO gauge and everthing else. This is a great place of information for model railroaders with links to many other model railroading info-sites and resources. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Football FTP Server FTP to: ftp.vnet.net in the --> /pub/football The Web is great for page turning through current and quickly relevant info but when it comes to warehouse size archives that are complete in every respect then good ol' ftp archives are the answer. Tons of football stats both current and past includes every possible statistic, score info, team info, you name it - it's in here. Player ratings, draft pick info - I could go on forever - but let it be known that if you want or need football info and this pertains to professional sports announcers or anyone else that needs the width and breadth of information this site provides - there is NO better archive and info-repository than this one on the Internet. Period. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Online Sports Betting and Online Casino Gambling (many are located on offshore sites) Sports International Global Casino (Antigua, West Indies) http://www.netaxs.com/people/sportbet/casino.htm International Sports Book http://www.netaxs.com/people/sportbet WagerNet (run by Global Gaming Services in Belize) http://www.vegas.com/wagernet Sports Pools (a game using "fictitious" money - for amusement only) http://www.hal.com/~markg/NCAA http://www.hal.com/~markg/NFL http://www.hal.com/~markg/NBA http://www.hal.com/~markg/NHL Caribbean Casino (offered by Internet Casinos in St. Maartens, W. Indies) http://www.casino.org/cc Well folks - place your bets here - all are open for business and it's with real money (except Sports Pool which is just for fun) - don't forget as you play - or is that - "pay to play" - to bet wisely and judiciously - all of these services are meant to be fun - so don't get in over your head! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------